The most telling thing about the path my husband and I are on in our relationship is that the best things in our life just seem to happen out of the blue. Opportunities seem to present themselves, we go with the flow and then we find ourselves with a new dog or a new house that we were not in the market to buy or we find ourselves re-decorating the house in one weekend. If you had told me a couple of days ago that we would have a couple of beta fish in addition to our frogs, birds and dog I might have laughed. But now we have them. Last Monday if you had told me that I

would be heading to Montreal to meet a talent agent for my daughter I would have responded with "I wish!". Well, it happened. Last Monday night on a
whim while I was surfing the net (and consequently not writing) I found an agency.These days everyone from Elite to Ford allows for online applications Orange Model Management included. My daughter by my side I filled out the application and sent off a few snapshots. I didn't think much of it and made sure my daughter wasn't getting lost in rosy visions of instant stardom. The next afternoon the agency called and asked if we could be in Montreal Thursday for a meeting with one of their agents. OK, so I admit to indulging in a few visions
myself after that call!

They were interested in Maggie. On a whim I said 'yes'. I made arrangements to be free from work that day then spent the rest of the afternoon googling 'reputable'+agency+Orange Model etc. There were mixed reviews and I had my doubts. So did my husband. But fate was once more opening a door for us. Hubby and I decided to go for it. It is summer after all and we were free to take the day trip. If anything, we thought, taking this trip would be great for many reasons. Our children have never been to Montreal. A trip to meet an agent would be an experience that our daughter would never forget. If offered a contract and everything was on the up and up then wonderful! If not, then our daughter would learn a valuable lesson about the business. Wonderful! We drove up the night before and settled into the pleasantly opulent Place D'arms Hotel in the Old Quarter of Montreal. I can't remember ever staying in a hotel with hardwood floors! The next morning Hubby attended mass at the Basilica around the corner then took the boys for an adventurous day around town. Maggie and I had a delightful continental breakfast of croissants and jam before heading to run errands. First stop: A photo shop to print up pictures of Maggie to show the agent. Second Stop: The Gap to find a white shirt for Maggie to wear to the interview. Apparently wearing white shows off your colouring. Third stop: Back to the hotel to wash up and get ready. Then we were on our way. The agency was a few short blocks down from the hotel in a gorgeous old building. The lobby was huge. It was covered in marble and brass and filled with young urban professionals walking to and fro. Once in the office we were met with bright orange walls and a lovely young receptionist. We filled out some paperwork then were greeted by "J"; the agent. He welcomed us into his office and we had our meeting.

After some discussion and a lot of questions J. offered Maggie a one-year contract. He told us to take it home and have a good look at it before signing. We left the office with wings on our feet despite my lecturing Maggie again about not getting her hopes up too high. We were going to take this slow. One runway step at a time so to speak! We had time to kill before meeting the boys so we wandered around until we found a beautiful old style French restaurant. Hubby and I had informed the kids that while we were in Quebec we were going to do our best to only speak French. I had spent the morning asking "Avez-vous des vetement pour les enfants?" and "Sil-vous-plait, ou est le Gap?" The waiter at the restaurant took my cue and would not answer Maggie unless she spoke French. He was also quick to bring me a Danish beer and Belgian waffles for desert. We met the boys shortly after our decadent lunch and listened as they shared their stories of the Science Centre, the Indiana Jones exhibit, their metro ride and their visit to the Juste Pour Rire theatre. On the way home we stopped at St. Hubert for dinner. I decided I wanted to rent Bad Cop Bon Cop again as we travelled the road towards Ontario.

We had a great time indulging in our whimsical nature and will keep you posted on what is to come the meantime I am going to keep my attenae alert for opportunities in the writing world!
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