As this is my first attempt at blogging, and it is my first day, I thought I would start simple.
My goal in writing here is to log my attempt to write a book.
I, like you, and like everyone else I know, am writing a book. I have been all my life it seems! How many of us like to tell our family, our friends, and anyone who will listen, that indeed! "I too am writing a book!"?
How embarrassing when months later said people ask how our book is coming along? Or worse, no one asks at all because you see, they too are busy writing their own book. *sigh*!
So I am starting this project. A project that will highlight the power of procrastination over will power. Maybe by doing so I will one day have a completed manuscript to share. Maybe.
In the meantime I have a few thoughts to share about how not to write a book.

2. Think. Think a lot. Think about what you are not writing..all of the time.
3. Get your priorities in order: Family, finances, work, play...anything that will give you an excuse not to write today.
4. Have frequent showers and naps. My best and most creative ideas come to me in the shower...the place least likely to have a pen and paper. Ideas also come to me at night, when, I am either dreaming or too tired to roll over and grab a pen and paper from my bedside table.
5. Take a walk and listen to music. You are sure to lose your train of thought as your creative ideas slip away on a stream of melancholic notes and snake their way up to the great clear skies of distraction.
6. Create a blog about how not to write a book. Writing here will surely waste the time I could have used to write the book that I am not really writing.
I cannot wait to read this book. :)